Sunday 2 November 2008

Day 11 of BTCV Placement - Doresholme Park

Day 11 BTCV Placement - Today we were in Doresholme Park again to continue with our removal of the trees from the pond. This was an exceptionally tough day because I was really feeling the pain and exhaustion from the beginning of the week. I was feeling weak and tired in the morning and felt bad for not doing my usual turn. After lunch I felt much better, I think it was because I had went straight to bed the night before without dinner. We got the day completed and checked out the next site we would be moving on to on Monday which is around the park with some Highland Cows!! Quite looking forward to it now!!
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Day 10 BTCV Placement - Loch Winnoch

Day 10 BTCV Placement - Today we were back to Loch Winnoch to continue with the work of removing vegetation from the meadow. Today was really tough as I was so tired from the previous days in Loch Lomond plus it was cold and rained for a large portion of the was absolutely terrible by the time we finished, soaked through and tired..straight to bed when I got home but still loving it =)
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Day 9 of BTCV Placement - Loch Lomond

Day 9 BTCV Placement - Today was our second day in a row at Loch Lomond with the guys from SNH. We were on a new site today removing floating grass from the pond at the edge of the meadow. It was really tough work as some areas weren't breaking apart and were coming out as islands and not as chunks!! By the end of the day I had 2 large blisters on the palm of my right hand just under the fingers..pretty painful!! The rain stayed off today although it did get rather chilly at lunch hour because we were all sitting still and the breeze picked up, dropping the temperature even more. This was our last day in Loch Lomond for the time being which made me rather sad because it's such a beautiful place and the guys from SNH are excellent to work with, I hope we're back there sooner rather than later.
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